

Member Interview

GOODWORK Member Interview: Ms. Akie Inada


Membership Status: 24 Hour Member
K.K. mog (ママ、お仕事がんばって!) CEO Ms. Akie Inada


GOODWORK Staff Kanno: We are here to interview Ms. Inada for her recent media appearances and would like to ask her a few questions about her success.  She has been a member of GOODWORK almost from the beginning five years ago.

Ms. Inada: Thank you for this opportunity.

Kanno: For starters, can you tell us your previous job and how it lead to you starting “mog”?

Ms Inada: After graduating my university, I have been in the Human Resource industry, within the HR industry I was mainly a part of starting up new projects and running them.  Through the vast experience in that company, I came to realize that I wanted to start something that provides support for working women.

Kanno: How long were you working at your previous company?

Ms. Inada: I was there for 15 years and stared my own company 4 years ago.

Kanno: Were you in Tokyo the entire time?

Ms. Inada: Yes, and the company supported working from home as well.  After my daughter was born and I returned to my work, it was a great to be able to work from home and take care of the family at the same time.  I was happy with the way I was working and the experience I was gaining.

Kanno: So your experience of Career Support comes from your previous company.

Ms. Inada: Yes, in a form of a career program.  Which I was doing in my previous company thinking of how to enhance somebody’s carrer even though they take time off work for giving birth or taking care of their child.

Kanno: What exactly does “mog” do?

Ms. Inada: ”mog” stands for 「ママ、お仕事がんばって!」, which is something a child would say to her mother.  And as “m” stands for ‘mother’, it is a career support oriented company for women.  It is for women that has been working hard before giving birth but afterwards they have tasks like picking up their child from day care and other obligations.  Yet their motivation for work is still high and they also have the proper skills, we support women like that to keep on working in a field that they can thrive.  We provide career programs while they are on temporary leave, and also providing information about entities that are supportive of people in similar situations.
It was hard for mothers to find a new job when they need to take time off during the day or need to take day offs on the weekends, but as technology evolves, the way companies think has also changed and adapted.  Also with Covid upon us, working remotely has been quite convenient for mothers who have family obligations during the day.

Kanno: So basically you are a bridge between mothers looking for work and companies that are looking to hire.

Ms. Inada: Exactly.  I introduce the perfect match to companies looking for specific HR traits, and I also provide counseling to people looking for new jobs and makes sure that their wishes are also fulfilled.  In some sense, I think what I do is similar to a real estate company.

There are times that I am unable to find a job everything my client is looking for,  due to the demands of the job market.  But I receive a lot of compliments from both the company and client that they are happy with the place they work and whom they hired.

Kanno: Your method seems to be very man-to-man.  Do you do any special after care?

Ms. Inada: Of course, it is quite common for people to quit rather quickly after changing to a new company, but in the past four years since I started this company, there has been only one case of a client quitting within 6 months.  I believe I can help find a company for my clients that is well balanced between what my client wants to do and what matches their experience and skills.

Kanno: So what is an ordinary day for you like?

Ms. Inada:  I wake up at 7AM, get my daughter ready at 8AM, I go for a quick run at a park near by and start working from around 9AM.  Usually my work starts with online meetings with companies, clients and online seminars.
I use GOODWORK quite often.  There is a good phone booth for when I’m doing a pitch online, and there are really good spots around the facility to have face to face talks.  The meeting rooms on the 3rd floor is also a great spot to talk to clients and for seminars/small events.
I also use the 2nd floor for when I need some quite and time to concentrate.
Most of my work is online, but I enjoy dropping by GOODWORK to run into friends.  I also bring my daughter along sometimes and feel very warm and welcome.  It is also a big plus that there is a table built in the bathroom for changing diapers.  I value how GOODWORK is built and operated very family friendly.
From  6PM to until I fall asleep I put effort into not opening my computer.  After preparing dinner and cleaning up with my husband I enjoy my time with my family.

Kanno: What are some of your goals?

Ms. Inada: Japan as a society still has overtime work as a prerequisite, also the new format of working still is not implemented widely.  There are many mothers out there that is concerned about their careers.  My company is trying to be a beacon to solve such problems in society today.  For Japanese companies to grow, I believe that the format of how we work must be broken is a goal of mine.
A more short term goal would be to make my company bigger and increase the number of people who support us.

Kanno: Do you have anything to say to those who are looking to start their own company?

Ms. Inada: If there is something you want to do, just jump at it.  You don’t have to be employed to live day to day.  There are places like GOODWORK where you can set up Virtual Offices and the cost is very limited.  In regards of book keeping and HR systems, you don’t have to create something from nothing, but in stead most of these things are provided through a monthly subscription service.  The cost of starting a company has decreased dramatically.  I think that you will find starting a company of your own is liberating.

Kanno: Is there anything you can tell us about your hobbies and how you spend your down time?

Ms. Inada: I enjoy drinking (laugh).  I also enjoy the time with my family going to the park for a picnic.  Also exercising is a hobby of mine.

Kanno: Well, thank you for your precious time today.  We are always happy to get your feedback about our workspace from you.

Ms. Inada: I also thank you for being so good to me and my family.
